Mrs. Johnson is a native Clevelander. Even though she didn't graduate from high school (way back when), she was hired to do housekeeping work at a local hospital. As the years passed, that local hospital became one of the largest hospitals in the world and Mrs. Johnson did her part over her 35-year career to contribute to that success.
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Yet, despite its growth, the hospital never changed its policies to offer their employees a guaranteed pension or fully-covered prescription drugs after they retired. As a result, Mrs. Johnson, who needs several prescription drugs to lead a normal, healthy life, reached a point financially after the death of her husband where she had to make a decision: remain in her home and use her fixed income to maintain it or continue purchasing her much-needed medication.
Mrs. Johnson moved to Atlanta to live with her daughter, a single mom, and left her home behind. The home was vandalized and the copper plumbing was "borrowed" by the local thugs. As were the furnace, hot water tank, garage door, entry doors, and one-half of the aluminum siding. Under Ohio law, Mrs. Johnson faces fines and jail and suspension of her driver's license.